Senin, 25 April 2011

Obama intends to push failed DISCLOSE Act through executive order

Of course this only pertains to government contractors. Not recipients of government aid like Planned Parenthood, or unions. Come to think of it, this can't be Constitutional. I think a little old-fashioned conscientious objecting is in order. NOBODY should obey this if it is passed. Let the little tyrant try to get this backed up in courts. Heck, the Supreme Court denied it. The Congress denied it. Obama just can't keep his little tyrant hands off of political free speech. Not with an election coming up. Well he can POUND SAND!

Washington ( –  In what the White House calls a push for transparency, a pending executive order would require companies doing business with the federal government to disclose political contributions to independent groups, but would not place the same requirement on public employee unions or federal grant recipients that typically donate to Democrats.
Entitled the “Disclosure of Political Spending By Government Contractors,” the order would implement parts of the DISCLOSE Act, which failed to get through Congress last year. The legislation sought to restrict campaign speech after the landmark Citizens United vs. Federal Elections Commission U.S. Supreme Court ruling that upheld the right of corporations and unions to donate to campaigns.
White House Press Secretary Jay Carney confirmed Monday that work is underway on the draft order, and linked the move to President Obama’s stated commitment to transparency.

“We fully acknowledge there is a process underway,” he told “A draft is just that. It’s a draft until it makes its way through the process. The president is committed to transparency and he certainly thinks American taxpayers should know where their money is going.”
Government contractors are already required to disclose contributions to political candidates. This executive order would require the disclosure of any donations to independent groups, where conservative groups outspent liberal ones in the 2010 election.
Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) said the executive order would stifle free speech.
Read more here.

Obama intends to push failed DISCLOSE Act through executive order

Of course this only pertains to government contractors. Not recipients of government aid like Planned Parenthood, or unions. Come to think of it, this can't be Constitutional. I think a little old-fashioned conscientious objecting is in order. NOBODY should obey this if it is passed. Let the little tyrant try to get this backed up in courts. Heck, the Supreme Court denied it. The Congress denied it. Obama just can't keep his little tyrant hands off of political free speech. Not with an election coming up. Well he can POUND SAND!

Washington ( –  In what the White House calls a push for transparency, a pending executive order would require companies doing business with the federal government to disclose political contributions to independent groups, but would not place the same requirement on public employee unions or federal grant recipients that typically donate to Democrats.
Entitled the “Disclosure of Political Spending By Government Contractors,” the order would implement parts of the DISCLOSE Act, which failed to get through Congress last year. The legislation sought to restrict campaign speech after the landmark Citizens United vs. Federal Elections Commission U.S. Supreme Court ruling that upheld the right of corporations and unions to donate to campaigns.
White House Press Secretary Jay Carney confirmed Monday that work is underway on the draft order, and linked the move to President Obama’s stated commitment to transparency.

“We fully acknowledge there is a process underway,” he told “A draft is just that. It’s a draft until it makes its way through the process. The president is committed to transparency and he certainly thinks American taxpayers should know where their money is going.”
Government contractors are already required to disclose contributions to political candidates. This executive order would require the disclosure of any donations to independent groups, where conservative groups outspent liberal ones in the 2010 election.
Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) said the executive order would stifle free speech.
Read more here.

Fukushima release many times larger than previously admitted

The media won't discuss it. Not in Canada, and not in America. Not even Fox is discussing the irradiation of our land. They put up stories about Japan and the aftermath. But nothing about here. Why?

Here is a Canadian gentleman showing the radiation cloud. We have been bombarded with radiation since March 11, 2011. Get out of the rain. Do not drink milk. Do not drink cream. Are we all getting a chest x-ray each day? Is Fukushima equal to 2000 atomic bombs? Eating and drinking radiation is dangerous. And this will go on for another 6 to 9 months? Ridiculous! I'm going to try to buy fruits and vegetables from South America.

Do you think I am nutty because of this? Well let me inform you that there is NO safe level of radiation. Especially not for growing children. As a mother it is my duty to investigate what steps I need to take to keep my children safe.

Fukushima release many times larger than previously admitted

The media won't discuss it. Not in Canada, and not in America. Not even Fox is discussing the irradiation of our land. They put up stories about Japan and the aftermath. But nothing about here. Why?

Here is a Canadian gentleman showing the radiation cloud. We have been bombarded with radiation since March 11, 2011. Get out of the rain. Do not drink milk. Do not drink cream. Are we all getting a chest x-ray each day? Is Fukushima equal to 2000 atomic bombs? Eating and drinking radiation is dangerous. And this will go on for another 6 to 9 months? Ridiculous! I'm going to try to buy fruits and vegetables from South America.

Do you think I am nutty because of this? Well let me inform you that there is NO safe level of radiation. Especially not for growing children. As a mother it is my duty to investigate what steps I need to take to keep my children safe.

Minggu, 24 April 2011

Shocker! 14 Illinois counties have more registered voters than eligible residents

Rock Island and Mercer counties are two of 14 Illinois counties with more registered voters than actual eligible voters, according to a study by the State Board of Elections.

The report says the disparity was revealed by comparing the number of registered voters in each county to the number of people listed in the 2010 Census as being older than 18 and eligible to vote.

Rock Island County lists 125,875 registered voters, although Census numbers show the county has only 114,359 residents age 18 or older. That means 11,516 people may be deceased or no longer live in the county, according to Rock Island County Clerk Karen Kinney.

The report also shows Mercer County has 14,295 registered voters, while Census numbers show the county has only 12,714 residents age 18 or older.

"We have to purge our records sometime this summer," Mercer County Clerk Phyllis Bewley said....

Other counties with more registered voters than actual eligible voters are Alexander, Clark, Clinton, Hardin, Jasper, Massac, Menard, Ogle, Pulaski, Richland, Stark and Vermilion.

I can't wait to hear how quickly the political machine fixes this problem without us having to worry our pretty little heads over it.

Shocker! 14 Illinois counties have more registered voters than eligible residents

Rock Island and Mercer counties are two of 14 Illinois counties with more registered voters than actual eligible voters, according to a study by the State Board of Elections.

The report says the disparity was revealed by comparing the number of registered voters in each county to the number of people listed in the 2010 Census as being older than 18 and eligible to vote.

Rock Island County lists 125,875 registered voters, although Census numbers show the county has only 114,359 residents age 18 or older. That means 11,516 people may be deceased or no longer live in the county, according to Rock Island County Clerk Karen Kinney.

The report also shows Mercer County has 14,295 registered voters, while Census numbers show the county has only 12,714 residents age 18 or older.

"We have to purge our records sometime this summer," Mercer County Clerk Phyllis Bewley said....

Other counties with more registered voters than actual eligible voters are Alexander, Clark, Clinton, Hardin, Jasper, Massac, Menard, Ogle, Pulaski, Richland, Stark and Vermilion.

I can't wait to hear how quickly the political machine fixes this problem without us having to worry our pretty little heads over it.

Is Fukushima worst disaster world has ever seen? Tell me this lady is wrong.

If this lady is right, we had better pray for drought.

Via bankofamericasuck.

Is Fukushima worst disaster world has ever seen? Tell me this lady is wrong.

If this lady is right, we had better pray for drought.

Via bankofamericasuck.

Crying cattle starve to death near Fukushima

Shouldn't they be released to forage for grass in the abandoned area? This is too cruel and sad.

Crying cattle starve to death near Fukushima

Shouldn't they be released to forage for grass in the abandoned area? This is too cruel and sad.

Plutonium blasted high into atmosphere, why didn't they TELL us!

There is a concrete block found in Fukushima that, if you sat next to it for 3 hours, you have a 50% chance of dying. If you sit next to it for 6 hours, your chance of dying of radiation poisoning is 100%. No wonder there is plutonium in the soil around this plant. The so-called unimportant hydrogen explosion spewed some very dangerous stuff into the area/atmosphere. Similar highly radioactive debris is scattered around the plant and may delay the cleanup efforts.

Alexander Higgins blog comments, emphasis added:

I was looking at the high resolution photos taken of the complex a few weeks ago, and looking at the shots of unit 3 in particular (the 2nd and 5th photos show it best) – because it was the one using the MOX fuel and was also the one most severely damaged by the hydrogen explosions. I’m sure you guys at UCS have already seen these shots, the link and photos are below:

A few days later I came across an article on the disaster over there that had a good cut away diagram of the reactor buildings:

I was struck by the location of the spent fuel pool on the third floor. (The spent fuel pool in the diagram is in the upper right corner of the building to the right of the top of the reactor, below the yellow beam, which is below the large orange girders.Part of the pool is cut away in the diagram, it appears to extend most of the way across about half of the building on the third floor) I went back to the site with the aerial photos and confirmed that the third floor was pretty much entirely obliterated in the explosion. The spent fuel pool is gone… see for yourself.

Today I had another look at the diagram, and noticed something else quite significant that I had missed before. I realized that the top of the primary containment vessel was flush with the floor level of the 4th floor, and that the top of the reactor itself was in the space between the 3rd and 4th floors, partially surrounded by the spent fuel pool.

Look at those photos again, particularly the 5th shot. At the top of the photo you see the skeletal remnants of the wall of the 3rd and 4th floors. It is easy to see the floor level of the third floor – there are two massive steam pipes running behind and below the building…the lower edge of the lower pipe is almost perfectly aligned with the floor level of the 3rd floor. Follow the floor line of the third floor down from that back wall along the right side of the building, then across the front side of the building near the bottom of the photo. That shows you the floor level of the 3rd floor very clearly, right? There is nothing but air remaining above that level, except for a bit of roof debris which you can see through. The top of the primary containment vessel, as well as the top of the reactor itself, is simply GONE.

Even to a layperson, it is obvious that this means that the huge hydrogen explosion at unit 3 must have occurred in the reactor itself, and that the entire top of the reactor containment vessel was obliterated, ejecting the contents of the core – as well as the spent fuel pool- into the atmosphere.

This means, obviously, that significant quantities of plutonium were released, and that the release of radiation from unit 3 alone must be many times higher than has been admitted for the entire

complex – Chernobyl pales in comparison.

It is apparent that Tepco, the NRC, and the Japanese and American government officials, among others, are participating in a coverup of the extent and severity of this disaster. This almost certainly applies to the blandly misleading assurances about the harmlessness of the fallout on US soil. The whistle must be blown, loud and clear.

Keep in mind that Fukushima has 1760 tons of fuel, Chernobyl had only 180.

Video of rainwater in Colorado Springs placed under a Geiger counter.

Radioactive rainwater in St. Louis, Missouri makes Geiger counter go nuts!

The problem is not just iodine. Cesium and Plutonium had a much longer half-life. And there is plenty of that coming down in U.S. rainwater as well. Keep safe, everybody. Knowledge is power.

Plutonium blasted high into atmosphere, why didn't they TELL us!

There is a concrete block found in Fukushima that, if you sat next to it for 3 hours, you have a 50% chance of dying. If you sit next to it for 6 hours, your chance of dying of radiation poisoning is 100%. No wonder there is plutonium in the soil around this plant. The so-called unimportant hydrogen explosion spewed some very dangerous stuff into the area/atmosphere. Similar highly radioactive debris is scattered around the plant and may delay the cleanup efforts.

Alexander Higgins blog comments, emphasis added:

I was looking at the high resolution photos taken of the complex a few weeks ago, and looking at the shots of unit 3 in particular (the 2nd and 5th photos show it best) – because it was the one using the MOX fuel and was also the one most severely damaged by the hydrogen explosions. I’m sure you guys at UCS have already seen these shots, the link and photos are below:

A few days later I came across an article on the disaster over there that had a good cut away diagram of the reactor buildings:

I was struck by the location of the spent fuel pool on the third floor. (The spent fuel pool in the diagram is in the upper right corner of the building to the right of the top of the reactor, below the yellow beam, which is below the large orange girders.Part of the pool is cut away in the diagram, it appears to extend most of the way across about half of the building on the third floor) I went back to the site with the aerial photos and confirmed that the third floor was pretty much entirely obliterated in the explosion. The spent fuel pool is gone… see for yourself.

Today I had another look at the diagram, and noticed something else quite significant that I had missed before. I realized that the top of the primary containment vessel was flush with the floor level of the 4th floor, and that the top of the reactor itself was in the space between the 3rd and 4th floors, partially surrounded by the spent fuel pool.

Look at those photos again, particularly the 5th shot. At the top of the photo you see the skeletal remnants of the wall of the 3rd and 4th floors. It is easy to see the floor level of the third floor – there are two massive steam pipes running behind and below the building…the lower edge of the lower pipe is almost perfectly aligned with the floor level of the 3rd floor. Follow the floor line of the third floor down from that back wall along the right side of the building, then across the front side of the building near the bottom of the photo. That shows you the floor level of the 3rd floor very clearly, right? There is nothing but air remaining above that level, except for a bit of roof debris which you can see through. The top of the primary containment vessel, as well as the top of the reactor itself, is simply GONE.

Even to a layperson, it is obvious that this means that the huge hydrogen explosion at unit 3 must have occurred in the reactor itself, and that the entire top of the reactor containment vessel was obliterated, ejecting the contents of the core – as well as the spent fuel pool- into the atmosphere.

This means, obviously, that significant quantities of plutonium were released, and that the release of radiation from unit 3 alone must be many times higher than has been admitted for the entire

complex – Chernobyl pales in comparison.

It is apparent that Tepco, the NRC, and the Japanese and American government officials, among others, are participating in a coverup of the extent and severity of this disaster. This almost certainly applies to the blandly misleading assurances about the harmlessness of the fallout on US soil. The whistle must be blown, loud and clear.

Keep in mind that Fukushima has 1760 tons of fuel, Chernobyl had only 180.

Video of rainwater in Colorado Springs placed under a Geiger counter.

Radioactive rainwater in St. Louis, Missouri makes Geiger counter go nuts!

The problem is not just iodine. Cesium and Plutonium had a much longer half-life. And there is plenty of that coming down in U.S. rainwater as well. Keep safe, everybody. Knowledge is power.

Jumat, 22 April 2011

Our National Debt, make this video viral!

We must face our debt to save the republic. Please help by publicizing this video.

Hat Tip Mustang, Z.

Our National Debt, make this video viral!

We must face our debt to save the republic. Please help by publicizing this video.

Hat Tip Mustang, Z.

National Debt and Jobs, which is the worse problem?

Which issue is more important? I think anyone who says we need to choose between the two of them is setting up a false choice. Both must be solved of they will destroy our way of life.


14+ trillion and counting. Raising the debt ceiling without government cutbacks/austerity measures will be a crime against our children. It is financial abuse, plain and simple.


Dems need to wake up and realize that government jobs are not "real jobs" in terms of the economy. Real jobs take place in the private sector, they generally produce something, and the workers pay taxes that support the government. Many, many of these jobs are required to support just ONE government job. So if Obama hires government workers and claims he is "creating jobs" the only thing he is creating is a CON JOB. How is he paying those workers when a large percent of our national budget is not covered by taxes. Borrowed money? Borrowed from whom? Paid back by whom (our children). Printed money? Remember, printing more devalues everybody's money, so printing is actually STEALING from all of us. Especially those who have saved money. Again, Obama's policies are punishing the responsible people in society.


1. Severe cutbacks not only to the point of a balanced budget but further, to pay off the debt we have already accumulated. How about confiscating the $timulus money that has not already been spent, for starters.

2. Get off the backs of private industry and allow them to create jobs. Repeal Obamacare. This is the biggest albatross creating uncertainty in today's business climate. Make the Bush Tax Cuts permanent. Decrease taxes and regulations that drive American business overseas.

I don't know about you but I believe we are in a depression. McDonald's job riots? You've got to be kidding me. 51% California home sales are short sales or REOs (distressed properties)? When people have JOBS they can pay for a HOUSE!  The housing market collapse will not be fixed until the private job market recovers.  We are in a world of hurt and we need to get this fixed starting YESTERDAY!

Warning: graphic violence from McDonald's parking lot.

National Debt and Jobs, which is the worse problem?

Which issue is more important? I think anyone who says we need to choose between the two of them is setting up a false choice. Both must be solved of they will destroy our way of life.


14+ trillion and counting. Raising the debt ceiling without government cutbacks/austerity measures will be a crime against our children. It is financial abuse, plain and simple.


Dems need to wake up and realize that government jobs are not "real jobs" in terms of the economy. Real jobs take place in the private sector, they generally produce something, and the workers pay taxes that support the government. Many, many of these jobs are required to support just ONE government job. So if Obama hires government workers and claims he is "creating jobs" the only thing he is creating is a CON JOB. How is he paying those workers when a large percent of our national budget is not covered by taxes. Borrowed money? Borrowed from whom? Paid back by whom (our children). Printed money? Remember, printing more devalues everybody's money, so printing is actually STEALING from all of us. Especially those who have saved money. Again, Obama's policies are punishing the responsible people in society.


1. Severe cutbacks not only to the point of a balanced budget but further, to pay off the debt we have already accumulated. How about confiscating the $timulus money that has not already been spent, for starters.

2. Get off the backs of private industry and allow them to create jobs. Repeal Obamacare. This is the biggest albatross creating uncertainty in today's business climate. Make the Bush Tax Cuts permanent. Decrease taxes and regulations that drive American business overseas.

I don't know about you but I believe we are in a depression. McDonald's job riots? You've got to be kidding me. 51% California home sales are short sales or REOs (distressed properties)? When people have JOBS they can pay for a HOUSE!  The housing market collapse will not be fixed until the private job market recovers.  We are in a world of hurt and we need to get this fixed starting YESTERDAY!

Warning: graphic violence from McDonald's parking lot.

Kamis, 21 April 2011

More Senior Retreat










More rares of Dakota Fanning at senior retreat.

Senior Retreat






Dakota Fanning at senior retreat with friends.

Rabu, 20 April 2011

Dreaming of Angels baseball

We went on a tour of Angel Stadium today. My boy made himself at home. First in the locker room:

Then in the dugout:

And finally in the press box:


Dreaming of Angels baseball

We went on a tour of Angel Stadium today. My boy made himself at home. First in the locker room:

Then in the dugout:

And finally in the press box:


tattoo girls sexy 2011

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